The US Daily Cash Surplus for Monday 7/28/2014 was $11.5B bringing the July 2014 deficit to $77B with 3 business days remaining.
It was a good day for revenues thanks primarily to a $4.079B inflow from “Customs and Certain Excise Taxes”. It’s definitely odd…looking through my data…this one day payment exceeds every other whole month going back to 12/99 except one…12/2012…which came in $4M higher at $4.083B. I have no clue what it was…30 seconds worth of Google searches failed me (Obamacare fees??)….but clearly we will set a record in this category this month.
So revenue is sitting at +$6B…and looks like it should hit or exceed 5% growth for the month, but it is worth noting that taxes withheld are looking pretty flat….with all of the gain coming from one time events and corporate taxes. We’ll take growth wherever we can find it…but I’d prefer we saw it in stable categories.