US Daily Cash Deficit 4/16/2015

The US Daily Cash Surplus for Thursday 4/16/2015 was $12.7B bringing the April 2015 Surplus through 16 days to $28B.

2015-04-16 USDD

We likely still have some timing issues, but another day of flat revenues, leaving me a tad bit more concerned than I was yesterday,about the risk of disappointing revenues. My forecast optimistically assumed 8% growth (+$34B), yet here we are at the midpoint down 1%, meaning we need to hit about 17% YOY gains the rest of the way out. The catch up day at the end of the month makes that a little less daunting, but we definitely need to see some growth soon.  Next Tuesday should be a big day for revenue, so we should have a pretty good idea by my Wednesday report if this is just timing, or if my 8% revenue growth was simply a swing and a miss.


Author copernicus

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