The US Daily Surplus for 12/16/2014 was $7.1B bringing the December 2014 surplus to $11B through 16 days.
Revenues continued to pour in…this time withheld tax deposits….as if in response to my note yesterday that they were looking low…. gained $8B…I suppose some timing quirk I am unaware of, bringing them to $+4B for the month. Total revenues are up $25B YOY, good for a 13% improvement, mostly due to corporate taxes which are up 35%. Outlays were off $1B and stand at $+43B YOY for the month. Altogether…it’s looking like a better month than expected on strong revenues.
In all the excitement of yesterdays flood of corporate taxes…I forgot to mention a milestone:
Can you spot it? Debt outstanding passed $18 Trillion yesterday **(WHOOPS!! looks like this actually happened 11/28 while I was taking a nap 🙁 )…..yawn…. For the record….Total Public debt is up $767B in the last 12 months….Debt held by the public is up $637B. Of course…if you look at the Monthly Treasury Statement through November….the Trailing 12 month deficit is only $436B. One word…shady…..just sayin’ 🙂