
Daily Deficit

4/5/2013 Daily US Cash Deficit

By | Daily Deficit
The US daily Cash Deficit for 4/5/2013 was $1.7B bringing the total April Deficit through a week to $66B.

2013-04-05 USDD

Today’s charts give us a glance at 2013/2012 that is more or less aligned…each has 5 business days, and a full Monday-Friday sequence (I included 4/6/2012). Notice anything? Yep…revenues are down. It’s just one week,  and there is plenty of action left, but it’s not what I had expected….which was for 2013 revenues to be over 2012 by $5-7B by now. Instead, tax deposits withheld are only up 2% while total net revenue is actually down. It may be nothing…just a timing quirk, but I will definitely keep an eye on it. If 4/15 goes big one way or another, we may not even notice, but it will be interesting if revenues are still down (or even) through this Friday 4/12. Cost is where expected, and the deficit still has a $33B hole to dig out of….stay tuned.

4/4/2013 Daily US Cash Deficit

By | Daily Deficit
The US Daily Cash Deficit for 4/4/2013 was $5.2B bringing the monthly total through 4 days to $65B. Revenues are flat and outlays are up…primarily due to timing issues discussed in prior posts. Enjoy the weekend!!

2013-04-04 USDD


4/3/2013 Daily US Cash Deficit

By | Daily Deficit
The US Daily Cash Deficit for 4/3/2013 was $23.2B, bringing the April 2013 total through 3 days to $59B. With the first round of SS payments out of the way, things should settle down until 4/15, when revenue should start pouring in…stay tuned.

2013-04-03 USDD

4/2/2013 Daily US Cash Deficit

By | Daily Deficit
The Us Daily Cash deficit for 4/2/2013 was $4.0B, bringing the monthly total through 2 days to $36B.

2013-04-01 USDD

The Charts aren’t all that meaningful through 2 days, but we can see that 4/2013 has a $37B hole to catch up to 2012. You may also be wondering why the 2010 and 2011 deficits were so large compared to 2012/2013. The answer is timing. Both 2013 and 2012 have a Monday through 2 days, and Monday revenues are generally very strong, especially early in the month…. Tomorrow brings the first round of social security payments…so a ~$25B hit….but payday for some..

4/1/2013 Daily US Cash Deficit

By | Daily Deficit

The US Daily Cash Deficit for 4/1/2013 was $32.1B on $24B of revenues and $56B of outlays, including $17B for medicare and about $15B of other costs that hit in March in 2012, but April in 2013. So the timing issue that helped in March has April starting in a $30B hole, but it does seem likely that 4/2013 will have strong enough tax receipts to overcome this and exceed last year’s $59B surplus by a bit, but all eyes on revenues…we should have an idea by around 4/20. No charts today…4/1/2012 was a weekend anyway, so it wouldn’t really make any sense.