US Daily Cash Deficit 12/17/2013

Quick vacation break…Revenues over the past 3 days came to $100B thanks to $55B of corporate tax deposits…however, the revenue haul over the similar 2012 period was $101B…leaving us with the following chart:

12-17-2013 USDD

Revenues are still down YOY with 9 business days remaining…setting up what could be a disappointing month. Going in…I had been projecting revenue to come in at +34B…..and I figured corporate taxes over the last few days would make up a big piece of that gain. Now, while anything is possible, sitting at $-3B today…it is starting to look less likely we see 10% gains we have become accustomed to.

Ok…back to vacation… probably back in the office Monday.


Author copernicus

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